Having previously been employed by HM the Queen during my short stint in the army i was lucky enough to be given instructions in leadership and the morals and values that all good men should strive to. Now having lived apart from my War'y brothers on the otherside of the wire as it were, and sadly having to spend time with other mere mortals i have seen the cracks and flaws that reside in many of the younger generations and among some of my peers.
now take todays youth/young adult. how can he be expected to live by these?
lets start with the most obvious for me - Respect for others, theres two ways of thought on this in todays society ; firstly every new person has to earn the respect of you. secondly that person recieves respect unless they do something to break that. My outlook is the second , however most people today seem to live by the first - take youths harrassing older generations. luckily i was brought up to respect my elders, nowadays though much of the teaching of this has been removed due to bad parenting, and also single parenting meaning too little time spent with the child because of work. My advice - Give respect to others and gain extra though earning it.
next should be discipline - why? well again taking an example from popular news - binge drinking. know thy limits. if you cannot be disciplined to act acording to the situation your personal record amongst friends and peers will come to harm. the easiest form of discipline is turning up on time ... and on sooooo many occasions is un-adhered to. Aim for 5 mins before and people will give you respect for your discipline. this also works well when it comes to love life- never leave your lady (or man) waiting - And if your caught out by unforseen circumstances call that person to let them know [ sadly im having to do this one alot at the moment and its one thing i would love to change]
Integrity, if only the world could be like liar liar (the film) and everybody tell the truth. Being honest and truthful leads to great things in the long term - sadly too much this is scorned - noticably by polititians and also the media. The fear of reprisals for even the smallest lie can which can end up mothballing into catastrophic disasters usually wins out. However much pain it causes the sooner its dealt with the better for all.
Honour- im going to skip this one as i could talk for hours and i hope anyone reading this should understand that personal honour should be strived for at all things.
Next on the list is Selfless commitment - or in more plain words - doing what needs to be done without the thought for person gain. points the preverbial stick again at politicians the world over.-Yes You...
The 80's film Wallstreet really summed this one up for all the reason this is so hard to accumplish " GREED IS GOOD" - money does make the world go round - but if you can do something for others that is not for your own benifit then good on you. Charity starts at home. so start small and begin with your friends - sadly todays charitys (not all) have become too big and therefore fail to do there aim.
The soldiers friend - Courage. but every person should have courage - the courage to do whats right -and i have left this one till last as all of the above can be achieved by a little courage. Again i could write for hours on the subject so i will leave it to this, make time to have courage and it wont fail you when you need it most.
I hope anyone that reads this gains some benifit from it and in turn passes it on to others by word or by deed.